ClickCease Café’s & Coffee Shops - Definitive EPOS

Café’s & Coffee Shops

The Café and Coffee shop business is about quality, speed and customer loyalty, your customers like to know they can pop in, get served quickly and efficiently and they like to be recognised and responded too, it also works really well in the food and the drink is first class.


This is where we can start to help, from snappy, fast easily legible order printing.


Let us not however forget stock control and security, you need to know what stock is being used and in what dishes and brews, we can help manage your recipes and if you wish provide full stock control across your whole range.


This gives you peace of mind to run your business.


Finally let us talk customer, now you can record who they are, give them loyalty points, give them credit to spend back in the café or give them that free drink and more importantly as you know who they are and you can market to them.


Just think, it’s a quiet day, it’s raining again, you need to entice people into the shop, incentivise and reward your best customers and give them a promotion, extra points, maybe even tie this into your social media. It all helps boost takings and really does increase loyalty, exactly what you really need to do.

Café’s & Coffee Shops
Café’s & Coffee Shops

Simply let us come along and look at your business, we can advise on what works well and what could be improved, then we can show you how we can improve your service, your security and of course your sales. Call Us 01772 298337